
Richard Chamberlain Wallenberg A Hero's Story

Wallenberg: A Hero's Story is a 1985 miniseries directed past Lamont Johnson, produced by Richard Irving, Lamont Johnson (co-producer), Phillip Levitan (co-producer) and written by Thurston B. Clarke (book), Frederick Due east. Werbell (volume) and Gerald Green. It features music composed by Ernest Golden. It won four Emmy Awards and was nominated for five more than.

Information technology tells the story of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg (played by Richard Chamberlain) who saved 100,000 Hungarian Jews during the concluding months of World War Two by giving them "protective passports" and declaring 32 buildings extra-territorial.

Wallenberg: A Hero'southward Story contains the post-obit tropes:

  • Ambadassador: The neutral diplomats.
  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: To put it mildly.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: Fodor does this a few times when pretending to be with the Arrow Cantankerous.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The neutral diplomats showing up at the railroad train station at Heygeshalom, 250 km annotation 155 miles from Budapest.
  • Bittersweet Catastrophe: The film ends with the liberation of the ghetto and Wallenberg's arrest by the Soviets.
  • Blackmail: The Nazis blackmail Horthy into abdicating by threatening to shoot his son if he doesn't.
  • Blatant Lies: Hannah and Nikki are not Rabbi Mandel's children.
  • Bookends: The film begins and ends with a narration by Per Acrimony.
  • Bystander Syndrome: The rest of the Wallenbergs proceed to practise business organization with the Germans.
  • Primal Theme: The souvenir of life.
  • Death March: The Nazis resort to forcing the Jews that all the same remain in Budapest to march 250 km annotation 155 miles to the train station in Hegyeshalom at the Austrian edge where the trains to Auschwitz wait. In the outcome that the trains aren't running, they're forced to walk the balance of the way as well, all as part of a deliberate effort to kill as many of them as possible.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The stop of the movie gradually loses color until it'south in blackness and white.
  • Diplomatic Dispensation: Used for good.
  • From Bad to Worse: When the Arrow Cross take over.
  • Half-Truth: Wallenberg claims to be one-half-Jewish every bit opposed to one-sixteenth Jewish.

    Wallenberg: All right, I'yard 1-sixteenth. Phone call me a liar for a fraction.

  • Heroic BSoD: Sonya has one afterward Josef is killed.
  • Hope Bringer: Wallenberg. As Baroness Kemeny put it:

    Baroness Kemeny: Monsignor Rotha told me something this afternoon that moved me very deeply. He said the Nazis' greatest victory was convincing the Jews that they were doomed, only that y'all changed that for thousands of them.

  • Humble Hero: Wallenberg calls the 20,000 people live because of the papers he gave them "few".
  • Karma Houdini: Eichmann escapes to Argentina where he lives until the 1960s.
    • Karma Houdini Warranty: That existence said, he was ultimately captured by the Mossad and brought to Israel, where he was tried and hanged for his crimes.
  • Leave No Survivors: Eichmann'due south goal is to transport every Jew remaining in Budapest to Auschwitz. When the trains terminate running he starts death marches instead.
  • Loophole Abuse: Wallenberg bought buildings and declared them extra-territorial, giving them diplomatic amnesty.
  • Mood Whiplash: The entire stop of the moving picture. The Nazis are about to machine gun everyone remaining in the Jewish ghetto. Wallenberg stops them. And then the Soviets take the city and liberate the ghetto. Afterwards that they arrest Wallenberg and he's never seen once again. In reality the ghetto was liberated the twenty-four hour period after his arrest.
  • No Practiced Human activity Goes Unpunished: Save 100,000 lives, disappear into the Gulag. Mode to become, karma.
  • Omnicidal Neutral: Eichmann points out that even their enemies, through their silence, agreed with the Holocaust.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Wallenberg rented 32 buildings in Budapest, declared them to be auxiliary diplomatic mission facilities — technically Swedish territory, and therefore off limits to the Hungarians and their German language allies — and used them as rubber houses. He also printed up thousands of "protective passports" identifying the bearers as Swedish citizens, and handed them out to every Hungarian Jew he met — even, on one occasion, those locked in the boxcars on a railroad train parting for Auschwitz! At one point, he ran on tiptop of a train carrying Jews to be killed and stuffing papers into the cars that the Jews could use to semi-legally escape. While Nazis shot at him.
  • Restricted Rescue Performance: The miniseries is filled with this. The Arrow Cross (Hungarian Nazis) puts a limit on how many protective passports they will allow. This results in the Operational and Secrecy versions of this trope. Notably, at that place'due south a scene where the neutral diplomats are pulling Jews of the trains headed to Auschwitz.

    Wallenberg: I'k sorry. I tin take only so many, and then I must accept the young. Forgive me.

  • Right Under Their Noses: The whole rescue functioning happens right under the noses of the Nazis and Arrow Cross.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: As Horthy points out, the protective passports hold no validity in international law. They're issued anyway.
  • Sigil Spam: Justified to make the protective passports await official.
  • Team Switzerland: Defied past the Trope Namer. While they are technically neutral, the Swiss diplomats are helping with the rescue efforts.


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